Welcome to parkrose minecraft server (unofically)

Whats going on?

This is the home page for the minecraft server
here you can find helpful information on how to start playing
or just the ip. if you already know how just look on the right >>>>

make sure to join the discord sever here!
(MCPC1)[JAVA] IP : mc.parkrose.tk
[Bedrock] IP :comming soon

How to join the server.

First copy the ip of the server
that you'd wish to join by using crtl+c or on mac ⌘ Cmd+C to copy

Then click Multiplayer on the minecraft main menu
click "add a server"

Enter the server ip in the field that says server ip
paste by using crtl+v or on mac ⌘ Cmd+V
Status MCPC1:

Rules of the server

1. Dont fucking hack im deadass you will be banned

2. Dont steal items :( its just plain rude.

3. Dont get offeneded or ur just a pussy

4. Listen to admins because they can ban u

5. Salitness is a crime punishable by death

Website created by Theroon | Server created by eli.